154 | Addicted to Social Media Part 1


What to Expect:

This episode will focus on the sudden rise of social media as a commanding presence in the lives of billions of people around the world. It has benefited the world in numerous ways, but it may have also become the bane of our existence. How much time should one spend per day checking their notifications and reaching out to their contacts? Does it warrant use on the toilet, while driving, at 3am, or during intimate moments? If that sounds excessive, it’s because it is. Join us in the first part of our discussion about the traits that may influence social media addiction, how to tell if someone is addicted and harming their personal life, and what options they may have in trying to alleviate the symptoms.  

ATTENTION! We are hosting our very first live stream event in celebration of our 3-year anniversary. The event will be on May 1st at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST. Join the whole time for this fun and interactive episode!




Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at info@wwdwwdpodcast.com, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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  • Higher Quality Recording Equipment (Microphones, cameras, etc.)

  • Advertisements on various social media platforms to build the Why We Do What We Do Community

  • Designer time to create more Merch for our Patreon supporters

  • More integration and website development to enhance functionality and ensure a fluid experience

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The Why We Do What We Do Crew

Scott "Abraham" Miller |  Host & Producer

Ryan O'Donnell (RYANO)  |  Co-host, Producer, & Social

Shane Spiker  |  Co-Host

Miranda Marie Drake  |  Contributing Member

Amber Groat | Marketing

Andrew Pawlik  |  Digital Designer

Justin Greenhouse |  Musician & Producer

Starting at $1 per month.

Starting at $1 per month.

154 | Addicted to Social Media Part 1 | Why We Do What We Do
Why We Do What We Do Crew