Posts tagged Abraham
What Listening to This Episode Says About You Personality

Like astrology and psychics, online personality tests generally use the Barnum effect to trick you into thinking they have something meaningful to say. They're tricksy like that. But they have also been used for extremely nefarious reasons, and in one instance, an implementation that lead to the beginning of the end of democracy in America. Also, we take some personality tests in real time.

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English, particularly American English, is not only a weird hodgepodge of many other languages and cultures from around the world and at different times, but it is also full of expressions and sayings that, without context, sound like nonsense gibberish. Why do we say these things? What do they mean? And where do these sayings come from? Strap in because we are all in the same boat as we paint the town red in our deep dive about idioms! We had a lot of fun and hopefully you'll think it's oll korrect as well.

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Astrology: It's All Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt

Horoscopes are mostly harmless bits of fun. But how do they work? Why do we believe them? And why does the episode title imply harm? Learn more and another vocab term.

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Why We Need the Crunch

This is the episode to make you want to snack. Or maybe want to hurl if you had talk of chewing. We investigated the reason crunchy food is so appealing to us. Why do we NEED the crunch? Turns out, there are some interesting answers! Tell us about your favorite crunchy food.

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A Behavioral Analysis of Depression Pt. 2

We expand on the environmental processes that create a context for depression. We elaborate on the pros and cons of the "diagnosis" of depression and how a behavior analyst would approach a client with depression. Listen in for part 2!

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A Behavioral Analysis of Depression Pt. 1

Depression is a major mental health diagnosis and concern worldwide. A variety of treatment options have been developed by many disciplines, but a behavior analytic alternative has yet to enter the mainstream. Today’s episode will offer a behavior analytic interpretation of depression as it related to behavior patterns and contingencies, and offer a basis of treatment that could produce positive outcomes for a variety of clients.

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Exercise for What Ails Ya

Is exercise good for your mental health? A lot of people certain think so. We dig into the research and philosophy about if exercise is mentally healthy and if so, how?

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Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories

The majority of people who buy into conspiracy theories are victims of fraud. Unfortunately, they can become zealous, proselytizing mouthpieces for those conspiracies, which makes them unsympathetic to many. Conspiracies primarily work by exploiting human biases and insecurities. Listen in to find out more about why your weird friend is dedicated to their crystals and mythological beliefs.

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That Thing You Doula (Interview with Dr. Ashley Greenwald

Doulas and midwives aren't necessarily the crunchy granola hippies you might think they are. They also don't need to be female. We invited expert and certified doula Dr. Ashley Greenwald to talk to us about what doulas are and why every person preparing to a birth should have a doula around.

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William James

William James, or Billy Jilly as we called him in this discussion, is often referred to as the father of modern psychology. Indeed, his writings and philosophy were instrumental in the orientation to psychology that made it a science. If you didn't know or didn't remember much about him, this is a great revisit of who he was. Also, it is likely that his accomplishments overshadow those of other because he was a white man born into wealth and privilege, and we go after a college for their history of racism and sexism.

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Wolf Trainers

We are joined by special guests Dr. Andre Bulla and Oscar Turcios who share their continued adventure training wolves on a reserve. We invited them on after a conference presentation in which they described their experiences testing for concept learning in wolves, learning about wolves, and traveling during pandemic. It all started with a bottle of bourbon. Listen in to hear their story about training wolves.

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Sick for Attention

Factitious disorder by proxy (FDbP) is a mental illness in which a caregiver, often a parent, exaggerates, fabricates, or induces illness in someone they care for, such as a child or elderly person. The motive for FDbP is usually to gain attention or sympathy for themselves by appearing to be a devoted caregiver. FDbP can cause serious harm to the victim and often involves a long and complex pattern of deception. Treatment typically involves therapy for both the caregiver and the victim.

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Motivational Interviewing

Turns out the method of persuasion we have all grown to love being on the receiving end of, condescending lectures and rhetorical questions, might not be the most effective way of connecting with someone and helping them change their mind. Motivational interviewing is not only a non-combative counseling style, it is also a strategy for being a good listener. You have probably heard something about it, so listen in to get the bigger picture.

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Human Lost and Found

Search and rescue is an amazing, generous, and honorable activity... that is also dangerous and requires training. If you want to join search and rescue efforts, you can go through training or donate to the cause ( People might join this effort as a natural segue from their current line of work, to gain notoriety, to feel helpful, or because they're bored. There are also several types of search and rescue. Learn about it by listening to our episode.

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Genital Reveal Parties

We are cataloguing the strange, modern custom of intentionally/unintentionally starting massive wild-fires because of the excitement about what kind of equipment might be between a babies legs. Of course, we are talking aboutGender-reveal parties: WHY oh WHY do we still do them? All you wanted to (and didn’t want to) know about the strange need to celebrate this.

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Get Rich(ish)

The past few decades in America have been some of the most financially challenging for a number of reasons. Professionals and academics have debated the exact reasons, looking at spending habits, recessions, the pandemic, and other factors that contribute to such phenomena. Still, saving money yields great potential for later-life comfort and prosperity. Everyone deserves a healthy and bountiful retirement, or at least a chance at achieving their financial goals. Through a series of small steps, one can make big waves on later goals one step at a time. It might not be easy up front, but it will nearly always yield a great return later on.

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Psychology of... Calendars?

You might have thought it was 2021, and for most people out there, it is. But around the world, some cultures still cling to alternative measures of time, mostly based on the solar cycle but numbered or ordered differently based on deeply held traditions and values. These alternative calendars celebrate important milestones, memories, and events that define a given culture, and preserving those traditions means the survival of the group as a whole.

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Applied Behavior Analysis: Anti-Ableism w/ Dr. Megan Miller and Dr. Kerri Milyko

In a retrospective follow-up with Dr. Kerri Milyko and Dr. Megan Miller, we revisit the discussion around Applied Behavior Analysis, Anti-Ableism, Autism, and how we can all do better. For those of you eager to hear voices other than Abraham and Shane discussing this topic, this is one of the episodes you've been waiting for.

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241 | Christmas Origins: Santa Claus

This time of year it is fun to explore the origins of our most rock-solid traditions. In this discussion we learn about our favorite god-like mutant: Santa Claus! This is one of the few beings with a pretty clear starting point in American (yes, mostly North American) history. We had a lot of fun unpacking the science of what it would mean for Santa to visit every house in the world, which involves a mountain of calories and alcohol and faster than light travel. What a guy!

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