129 | Tapping Meridian Points | Why We Do What We Do


What to Expect

Meridian points are the gateways through which “chi” flows into our bodies. These specialized pores in our skin conduct chi such that with an appropriate balance we find ourselves in good physical and mental health, but with imbalance we find ourselves in poor mental and physical health. Traditionally accomplished through acupuncture, many argue the same outcome is accessible through applying any kind of attention or pressure to meridian points. Except that every single thing about this is not backed by science, medicine, logic, or common sense. Learn about the damning history of meridian points and why we can and should forever let go of this way of magical thinking.

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  • Higher Quality Recording Equipment (Microphones, cameras, etc.)

  • Advertisements on various social media platforms to build the Why We Do What We Do Community

  • Designer time to create more Merch for our Patreon supporters

  • More integration and website development to enhance functionality and ensure a fluid experience

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The Why We Do What We Do Crew

Scott "Abraham" Miller |  Host & Producer

Ryan O'Donnell (RYANO)  |  Co-host, Producer, & Social

Shane Spiker  |  Co-Host

Miranda Marie Drake  |  Contributing Member

Amber Groat | Marketing

Andrew Pawlik  |  Digital Designer

Justin Greenhouse |  Musician & Producer

129 | Tapping Meridian Points | Why We Do What We Do
Why We Do What We Do Crew