Posts tagged Skepticism
Astrology: It's All Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt

Horoscopes are mostly harmless bits of fun. But how do they work? Why do we believe them? And why does the episode title imply harm? Learn more and another vocab term.

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Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories

The majority of people who buy into conspiracy theories are victims of fraud. Unfortunately, they can become zealous, proselytizing mouthpieces for those conspiracies, which makes them unsympathetic to many. Conspiracies primarily work by exploiting human biases and insecurities. Listen in to find out more about why your weird friend is dedicated to their crystals and mythological beliefs.

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240 | (COVID) Vaccine Hesitancy pt 2

This first discussion briefly explains the COVID Virus, the fallout of the pandemic, and the promise of Operation Warp Speed. We suggested three categories of hesitancy: general (legitimate) reasons, pretend (conspiracy reasons), and Motivated reasons. We only review general reasons for now and will finish the list in the next episode. One takeaway: hesitant people aren’t stupid (most of the time). There are a lot of legitimate reasons to be wary. We disagree with them, of course, but it is helpful to understand where they come from.

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239 | (COVID) Vaccine Hesitancy pt 1

This first discussion briefly explains the COVID Virus, the fallout of the pandemic, and the promise of Operation Warp Speed. We suggested three categories of hesitancy: general (legitimate) reasons, pretend (conspiracy reasons), and Motivated reasons. We only review general reasons for now and will finish the list in the next episode. One takeaway: hesitant people aren’t stupid (most of the time). There are a lot of legitimate reasons to be wary. We disagree with them, of course, but it is helpful to understand where they come from.

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195 | Yoga na Love This

Get your stretchy pants and a dense rubber mat and prepare to be lead in a psychological stretch! This discussion covers what yoga is, the benefits to psychology, its relation to behavior analysis, and skepticism about some of the wild claims. Whether or not you’re a yogi, there is something here for you!

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193 | Character v Circumstance

What do Rush Limbaugh David Lee Ross, and Fidel Castro have in common? They are all part of a discussion about fundamental attribution error! This human bias is ironically self-referential. People tend to attribute causes of their own behavior to external characteristics while assuming that others’ behavior is due to characteristics endemic to that person. Or at least in western cultures they do. We discuss what it is, skepticism about it, and how to avoid it.

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180 | Possessed: Exorcisms

This Halloween season is well underway and we have this, and one episode left after this one. In this episode, we review the process of exorcisms. But much more importantly, exorcisms are dangerous and ethically questionable at best. We dive into why people believe them and the effect that they have had on the culture at large.

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179 | Witch Trials

The second installment of our spooky psychology month! Witches and witchcraft have a long and complex lore. But one of the creepiest things about witches is how the fear of witches was used to bring harm against so many people for so long. This episode explores the terrifying history of the persecution of people accused of practicing witchcraft. Also, turns out “witch hunts” aren’t as outdated as they might seem….

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169 | Artificial Intelligence

So many references to Isaac Asimov’s books on robots. A ton of pop culture references. A ton of jokes. Throwing public figures under the bus. How behavior analysis can save us from AI. And an update to the laws of robotics. Your general awesome WWDWWD podcast episode

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164 | Would a Head Transplant Work?

If we had to ask, then the answer is obvious. At this point, it seems unlikely. But even if we figure it out later, it may be unnecessary. A few experiments have mostly failed to demonstrate this with animals and one claimed to have succeeded with a human cadaver. By why would you want a head transplant anyway? One of our more humorous and thorough discussions IMHO.

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157 | Motivated Reasoning

Have you ever heard someone self-describe as “socially liberal and fiscally conservative?” If that grinds your gears, you might be avoiding conflicting thoughts altogether and falling victim to motivated reasoning. Life isn’t black and white, but if you’re comfortable in your own beliefs then you probably haven’t heard another opinion in a while. Behavior analysts especially should echo our essential attitude of Philosophical Doubt and always consider the unseen variables at play. The world is an ever-changing platform of complication and contention, but we can continuously work together for the greater good by monitoring our systems

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152 | Why and How We Grieve

There have been proposed “stages” of grief and various ways of managing grief. Circumstances of trauma can also impact grief such as whether the event was expected or if it was a surprise. Furthermore, there is a clear behavioral process of how grieving works and implicated steps for managing grief in a healthy way.

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148 | False Memories: The Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect is widespread false memories that often carry cultural significance. In this discussion, we describe several examples of the Mandela Effect, what it is, and why it happens. We probably name several things that you thought were true but aren’t, or thought happened but didn’t. Reality isn’t real!

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147 | Criminal Profiling

Criminal profiling may seem like a sham. In many cases, it is. However, we were surprised to learn that there are some researchers putting real science into criminal profiling to better catch criminals such as murderers. It’s nothing like you see on TV shows where the brilliant detective predicts every move and accurately identifies everything about the criminal. Instead, it is much more interesting when science is used to understand real patterns that might occur and put probabilities to the test to solve a case. Fans of true crime are especially likely to find something to enjoy in this one!

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146 | Right and Left Brain Personality

Begun in the work on patients with epilepsy, split-brain research suggested maybe people generally rely on one hemisphere of their brain over the other. Except, that doesn’t actually make any sense when you understand how the brain works. Although most people already know this, we expanded on this by elaborating on the history of this idea, and the one or two researchers who have continued to push this line of research despite its lack of fruitful outcomes… or general utility. Still, a lot to learn about this seemingly obvious urban myth.

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144 | Default Mode Network of the Brain

We do our best to define altruism through the ways others have defined it. We break down the philosophical traditions that have tried to define, explain, and promote altruism. We read from some religious texts on altruism. We failed to point out in this discussion that if someone were to intend harm and do good, that would technically meet the definition of altruism but also not be something we’d want to promote. In the end, we advocate for prosocial behavior and point out that the definition is not particularly helpful right now.

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141 | Are Kids Losing Their Attention Span? | Why We Do What We Do

Throughout time, adults have been frustrated by… oh look at that cloud… just kidding :) But really, there is this myth that kids have shorter attention spans than ever before. This is fueled in part by a “study” that apparently doesn’t exist, but nevertheless got picked up by the news. Movies are sometimes used as a metric for shortening attention spans, but it is likely an artifact of competing for people’s time. Also, goldfish are a terrible comparison for attention. In short, no kids are not losing their attention span. Actually, we are probably getting increasingly efficient at identifying and regulating our attention to things that are or aren’t worth our time. Myth busted.

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140 | Sensory Integration Therapy | Why We Do What We Do

A potentially controversial issue in which we take on sensory integration therapy. Important to note that we are NOT criticizing occupational therapists. We dug deep into the literature on sensory integration therapy and told the story that the data present. That is, we take as diplomatic and charitable a position as we can while remaining honest. Science does not paint a flattering picture.

Survey ends in January!

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129 | Tapping Meridian Points | Why We Do What We Do

Meridian points are the gateways through which “chi” flows into our bodies. These specialized pores in our skin conduct chi such that with an appropriate balance we find ourselves in good physical and mental health, but with imbalance we find ourselves in poor mental and physical health. Traditionally accomplished through acupuncture, many argue the same outcome is accessible through applying any kind of attention or pressure to meridian points. Except that every single thing about this is not backed by science, medicine, logic, or common sense. Learn about the damning history of meridian points and why we can and should forever let go of this way of magical thinking.

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125 | Why People Like Horror Movies | Why We Do What We Do

Welcome to spooky psychology month! Shane and Abraham are choosing 5 topics in psychology that related to horror or Halloween themed topics. The next entry in the saga of creepy psychology is understanding why we like scary movies. What is it about being creeped out that keeps people coming to the movie theaters and directors making these movies? There are many different theories that we discuss, but primarily we will reveal that it is a combination of factors including our social groups. Do you love or hate scary movies or fall somewhere in between? Let us know how you feel and which theory you relate to.

ATTENTION! We are doing a special promotion! If you complete a listener survey, you will earn a WWDWWD sticker in the mail and get entered to win a free t-shirt! The survey shouldn’t take longer than 3-10 minutes and is completely private. We will NOT share your data or information with anyone else. Follow this link to receive a sticker, be entered to win a free shirt, and to help us make the best show for you!

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