Posts in The Brain
A Behavioral Analysis of Depression Pt. 2

We expand on the environmental processes that create a context for depression. We elaborate on the pros and cons of the "diagnosis" of depression and how a behavior analyst would approach a client with depression. Listen in for part 2!

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A Behavioral Analysis of Depression Pt. 1

Depression is a major mental health diagnosis and concern worldwide. A variety of treatment options have been developed by many disciplines, but a behavior analytic alternative has yet to enter the mainstream. Today’s episode will offer a behavior analytic interpretation of depression as it related to behavior patterns and contingencies, and offer a basis of treatment that could produce positive outcomes for a variety of clients.

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Exercise for What Ails Ya

Is exercise good for your mental health? A lot of people certain think so. We dig into the research and philosophy about if exercise is mentally healthy and if so, how?

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234 | Poisoned

Don’t poison yourself. Some people do and they do it on purpose, but not to die. In fact, they do it to prevent an early death. This practice is called Mithridatism, named for the legend of Mithridates the King of Pontus who took small doses of poison to prevent assassination attempts. One of our early chemists, Mithridates’ scientific work lives on today. In fact, the theme of Mithridatism is commonplace today in many things that we do.

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228 | Psychology's Checkered Bible

A comprehensive history of the Diagnositc and Statistical Manual of the United States. Where did diagnoses come from? Where do they come from now? We don’t pull any punches but try to be as fair as possible. What do you want to know about the DSM?

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220 | Gross Sounds

What to Expect:

Not gross mouth sounds. Or at least not on purpose. This discussion about not-a-disorder, but very real experience people have was a fun return to form with jokes and light-hearted banter and hopefully a less anxious Shane. We describe the various forms that misophonia can take, where it comes from, and manage it if you want to.

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203 | While We Were Sleeping

This is a discussion as normal, but also is a story about four people who found themselves in a unique situation. In this episode, we dig into the psychology of people who, while alive, donate organs anonymously to strangers. We review how organ donation works, the advantages and disadvantages of living donors, and why people do it.

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188 | Real Fake Medicine

As Green Day once sang, “Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me…Am I just paranoid, or am I just stoned?” Great question, and one worth investigating. We do a lot of things to feel better, but what about taking a whole lot of nothing? It’s called a placebo, and there are many components and interesting effects of such treatment that may help those dealing with pain and discomfort from a variety of illnesses. We’ll shed some light on the Placebo Effect and see how an initial phenomenon has evolved into a potentially strategic and cost-effective future for pain management.

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184 | Holding Back Tears: How to Resist Crying

Probably more about the lacrimal system and dacryology than you would have thought…. Proposed by a listener we explore: do women cry more than men? Why do we cry? Do animals cry? and many more issues. This was much more interesting than one would have thought!

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183 | Handedness and Personality or Just Handedness

What does your hand dominance say about your personality? What about your brain? Probably very little. Either way, we dig into the research and implications of hand and foot preference.

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181 | The Dead Preserved

Tied up deep beneath layers of wraps and chemicals and oils and lotions is a practice the dates back thousands of years—mummification. This practice has mystified historians and found a special place in entertainment in many forms, but how exactly did the process work and for what purposes? This episode will detail the careful procedures performed by embalmers to preserve the body in a unique state that was believed to maximize the dead individual’s chance for a fruitful afterlife.

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168 | Syphilis Part 2

In this second and final part, we bust a bunch of syphilis myths. Also, we talk about some behavioral health strategies to decrease the risk of catching syphilis at various levels of prevention and intervention. Oddly one of our funnier episodes.

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167 | Syphilis Part 1

The illustrious history of an old friend that humanity doesn’t miss: syphilis. Origins of its global spread and the path toward its eventual treatment with penicillin will be explored. We talk mainly about the course of the disease and methods of contact and how it affects the brain. In the next episode, we will take on myths about syphilis as well as strategies to increase safe practices to prevent its spread.

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164 | Would a Head Transplant Work?

If we had to ask, then the answer is obvious. At this point, it seems unlikely. But even if we figure it out later, it may be unnecessary. A few experiments have mostly failed to demonstrate this with animals and one claimed to have succeeded with a human cadaver. By why would you want a head transplant anyway? One of our more humorous and thorough discussions IMHO.

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162 | Why Do We Dream?

Dreams are nocturnal hallucinations we do while asleep. Why do we do it? There are some hypotheses, but how it works is more interesting. Specifically, we carry our experiences with us and they are cued by environmental stimuli. By the way, there is nothing to dream interpretation.

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146 | Right and Left Brain Personality

Begun in the work on patients with epilepsy, split-brain research suggested maybe people generally rely on one hemisphere of their brain over the other. Except, that doesn’t actually make any sense when you understand how the brain works. Although most people already know this, we expanded on this by elaborating on the history of this idea, and the one or two researchers who have continued to push this line of research despite its lack of fruitful outcomes… or general utility. Still, a lot to learn about this seemingly obvious urban myth.

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144 | Default Mode Network of the Brain

We do our best to define altruism through the ways others have defined it. We break down the philosophical traditions that have tried to define, explain, and promote altruism. We read from some religious texts on altruism. We failed to point out in this discussion that if someone were to intend harm and do good, that would technically meet the definition of altruism but also not be something we’d want to promote. In the end, we advocate for prosocial behavior and point out that the definition is not particularly helpful right now.

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136 | Psychedelics in Therapy With Stu Law (Part 3) | Why We Do What We Do

Happy Holidays! Welcome to our third and final episode on psychedelics with Stu Law. In this discussion, we end with a note of optimism for what psychedelics might actually have to benefit people. Also, Stu makes jokes and is generally funny and engaging.

Survey ends in January!

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135 | Psychedelics in Therapy With Stu Law (Part 2) | Why We Do What We Do

A continuation of our discussion from the previous episode. This episode covers more of the process by which psychedelics work and more cautionary tales about what to be skeptical about in the wave of enthusiasm about research into psychedelic drugs for therapy.

Survey ends in January!

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134 | Psychedelics in Therapy With Stu Law (Part 1) | Why We Do What We Do

A skeptical but optimistic discussion about the use of psychedelic drugs for mental health. Stu and Abraham mostly unpack the history of psychedelics in this discussion. There are some jokes and light-heartedness, but the message is an important one. There are things to be excited about in the future of therapy with the assistance of psychedelics, but if we are not careful, then we might be plunged back in the dark ages of psychedelics for medicinal value.

Survey ends in January!

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