Posts in How To
Wolf Trainers

We are joined by special guests Dr. Andre Bulla and Oscar Turcios who share their continued adventure training wolves on a reserve. We invited them on after a conference presentation in which they described their experiences testing for concept learning in wolves, learning about wolves, and traveling during pandemic. It all started with a bottle of bourbon. Listen in to hear their story about training wolves.

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Motivational Interviewing

Turns out the method of persuasion we have all grown to love being on the receiving end of, condescending lectures and rhetorical questions, might not be the most effective way of connecting with someone and helping them change their mind. Motivational interviewing is not only a non-combative counseling style, it is also a strategy for being a good listener. You have probably heard something about it, so listen in to get the bigger picture.

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Get Rich(ish)

The past few decades in America have been some of the most financially challenging for a number of reasons. Professionals and academics have debated the exact reasons, looking at spending habits, recessions, the pandemic, and other factors that contribute to such phenomena. Still, saving money yields great potential for later-life comfort and prosperity. Everyone deserves a healthy and bountiful retirement, or at least a chance at achieving their financial goals. Through a series of small steps, one can make big waves on later goals one step at a time. It might not be easy up front, but it will nearly always yield a great return later on.

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237 | Beyond Dog and Boba Fett

Bounty hunting isn’t just a slick lifestyle for a dude with big biceps and a horrible haircut. It can be a profitable and exciting profession, or a rather dull and routine one. The excitement depends who you’re after, but this ain’t the Old West no more.

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235 | Above the Atmosphere

When we were kids we might have told our parents “I’m going to be an astronaut someday!” and our parents patiently smile and say “sure kid.” They knew. Only a tiny fraction of people who apply to be astronauts actually pass the rigorous training and tests. What does it take to be an astronaut? What are the psychological reasons for making this choice? All of this and some biting political commentary… as we are want to do.

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230 | History of Halloween

Halloween season 2021! Shane and Abraham crack open the history books to learn about where the traditions and history of halloween come from. Amazingly, if you traveled back in time to witness this tradition, you might recognize many contemporary practices that are still around. Despite being hailed as demonic, Christians are largely responsible for bringing Halloween to modern culture, establishing many of the current traditions, and even coming up with the name. Also, we bust some myths and provide recommendations, like we do.

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204 | Book Cover Judgement

Dwight was kind of right: first impressions can be extremely important. This is a discussion about something called the “Halo Effect.” The halo effect is not in relation to the video game “Halo” but is the bias we have to automatically assume positive things about someone based on a single characteristic such as attractiveness. It can either elevate our opinion or sour it depending on the characteristic. But people are doing this to you too! We break down the how and why as well as bringing a little skepticism.

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201 | 10 Ways To Ruin Your Sleep

We ask such questions as “who holds the record for the longest time without sleep?” “Why is sleep important?” and “How can we screw up our sleep for good?” A high school student for a science fair project, because otherwise, we die, and alcohol and a bunch of other things. We count down the top 10 ways to ruin your sleep which doubles as a recommendation for how to avoid ruining your sleep and how to sleep better. It’s a blast!

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197 | I Was Just Following Orders

The Milgram experiment, Nazi Germany, and other coercive practices. Is obedience to authority an excuse for committing atrocities? How should these people be treated? Furthermore, how do we understand compliance, obedience, and conformity?

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184 | Holding Back Tears: How to Resist Crying

Probably more about the lacrimal system and dacryology than you would have thought…. Proposed by a listener we explore: do women cry more than men? Why do we cry? Do animals cry? and many more issues. This was much more interesting than one would have thought!

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182 | How to Protest Safely

[Hopefully] Happy post-election day! If you are going to go out on the streets and protest for any reason, here is how you can do so safely. We discuss the history of protests, why people protest, and we stand firmly in support of a citizen’s right to protest. Liberty means being able to protest your government without repercussions. Grab your signs, masks, loudspeakers, and running shoes and stand for something you believe in.

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181 | The Dead Preserved

Tied up deep beneath layers of wraps and chemicals and oils and lotions is a practice the dates back thousands of years—mummification. This practice has mystified historians and found a special place in entertainment in many forms, but how exactly did the process work and for what purposes? This episode will detail the careful procedures performed by embalmers to preserve the body in a unique state that was believed to maximize the dead individual’s chance for a fruitful afterlife.

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172 | How to Learn Anything!

Strategies for picking up new skills and habits as well as some myth-busting. Shane and Abraham provide a general algorithm for how to get good at anything! The “secret” is basically to break anything down into small steps and commit to them. Furthermore, have some kind of payoff for succeeding. As it turns out, learning to do anything overlaps considerably with how to teach anything. Do something new today!

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160 | Why Do We Kiss Each Other?

Ever think about how strange it is that we mash our food holes together to show affection? Why is it that we engage in this bizarre and seemingly pointless behavior? There are several theories that we review and weight the pros and cons. Like most things, this is part learned, cultural behavior, part genetic, and all fascinating.

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147 | Criminal Profiling

Criminal profiling may seem like a sham. In many cases, it is. However, we were surprised to learn that there are some researchers putting real science into criminal profiling to better catch criminals such as murderers. It’s nothing like you see on TV shows where the brilliant detective predicts every move and accurately identifies everything about the criminal. Instead, it is much more interesting when science is used to understand real patterns that might occur and put probabilities to the test to solve a case. Fans of true crime are especially likely to find something to enjoy in this one!

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143 | How to Tell if Someone is Flirting With You | Why We Do What We Do

We do our best to define altruism through the ways others have defined it. We break down the philosophical traditions that have tried to define, explain, and promote altruism. We read from some religious texts on altruism. We failed to point out in this discussion that if someone were to intend harm and do good, that would technically meet the definition of altruism but also not be something we’d want to promote. In the end, we advocate for prosocial behavior and point out that the definition is not particularly helpful right now.

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130 | The Psychology of Humor (Our Funniest Episode Ever!) | Why We Do What We Do

Jokes and comedy! Or at least a general discussion of the psychology of humor. We brought in a special Guest, Stu Law, a behavioral psychologist, to discuss what he has learned about studying humor and comedy. We tell jokes, dissect humor, and prescribe ways to be funnier. Kind of. Mostly we discuss why certain things make us laugh and the process by which humor shifts and changes over time.

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108 | How to Study | Why We Do What We Do

Cramming for a test? Find yourself struggling to remember things that you just read when studying for class? Just interested in getting better at one particular skill? Don’t care? Well then this episode is for you! Shane and Abraham (Shanebraham) discuss some of recommended study methods, how they might work, and what the research says. Even if you don’t need to learn to study, there’s something to learn in this discussion about memory and developing habits.

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