Posts by Guest User
219 | ABA Pt. 9: Reflections

In this epilogue, Shane reveals his true experience with this miniseries as well as how he has changed because of it. Abraham reflects on the process and the gratitude we have toward our listeners.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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218 | ABA Pt. 8: The Finale

This is what we have been building toward. The most vitriolic insult hurled at behavior analysis is to compare it to gay conversion “therapy” (see past episode for a full-length discussion of this harmful practice). This is rooted in the idea that behavior analysts are just out to make autistic people indistinguishable for normative populations by changing who they are. We really get into the weeds of the nuances in unpacking this complicated issue.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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217 | ABA Pt. 7: Feelings

Behavior Analysts are accused of ignoring the feelings of the individuals whom they serve. This can be in the form of blocking self-soothing behaviors such as stereotypy, or simply pushing for working through emotional experiences. This is further evidenced by the fact that discussions of feelings are all but absent from professional literature from behavior analysts. Although seldom discussed, feelings are important to behavior analysts. In addition, behavior analysts are not experts in emotional mental health, so are most likely to refer to a specialist. We <3 emotions.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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216 | ABA Pt. 6: Dependency

Applied Behavior Analysts are sometimes accused of enforcing compliance to the point that an individual doe not have autonomy to make their own choices or learn to say no. We think everyone should be a little noncompliant now and then (as long as no one is getting hurt!). What do we have to say for ourselves?

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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215 | ABA Pt. 5: Obedience

Applied Behavior Analysts are sometimes accused of enforcing compliance to the point that an individual doe not have autonomy to make their own choices or learn to say no. We think everyone should be a little noncompliant now and then (as long as no one is getting hurt!). What do we have to say for ourselves?

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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214 | ABA Pt. 4: Applying It

This next discussion centers around the accusation that people who experience ABA services can come across as robotic, decontextualized, and uncaring about what they say and do. How do we overcome the awkward and perfunctory-sounding responses?

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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213 | ABA Pt. 3: Little Robots

This next discussion centers around the accusation that people who experience ABA services can come across as robotic, decontextualized, and uncaring about what they say and do. How do we overcome the awkward and perfunctory-sounding responses?

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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212 | ABA Pt. 2: A History of Punishment

The second installment in our discussion about the controversy around ABA as abusive by discussing a history of punishment. This is a shorter discussion but packed full of information. Two down…

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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211 | Applied Behavior Analysis Part 1

Our best effort to diplomatically introduce the broiling controversy around ABA as abusive and accusations comparing ABA to conversion therapy. We prepare for what is going to be a several-week miniseries explaining and responding to vocal critiques of Behavior Analysis. We love you all, please don’t hurt us.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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210 | Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex Work (But Were Too Afraid To Ask)

A lot of myth-busting and a little proselytization. We describe how people get started in sex work and the kinds of policies and practices that make it safe or extremely dangerous. Sex workers are people who need protection and support. The “righteous” policies that have tried to end or block sex work have only lead to the worst things that have ever happened to sex workers. There is a better way!

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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209 | Appliance, Silk, Blue: Anniversary Traditions

In celebration of 4 years of making this podcast, we thought we’d discuss anniversary-specific gift traditions, and other gift traditions related to anniversaries.. We got most of the team together to share traditions each person finds interesting, weird, or personal. What do you do for anniversary traditions?

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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208 | I Give You Feels, You Give Me Money Part 2

We pick up on the hooks that companies use to reel you in. Whether for selling a product, soliciting donations, or modifying your behavior in general. Ad campaigns are crafted with great detail, incorporating emotional and social elements that influence our behavior in unique ways. If there’s a story to tell, a product to sell, or someone in need, these folks know how to get you to participate by playing into our emotional reactions to certain scenery.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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207 | I Give You Feels, You Give Me Money Part 1

This episode will highlight the clever ways advertisers manipulate consumer behavior. Whether for selling a product, soliciting donations, or modifying your behavior in general. Ad campaigns are crafted with great detail, incorporating emotional and social elements that influence our behavior in unique ways. If there’s a story to tell, a product to sell, or someone in need, these folks know how to get you to participate by playing into our emotional reactions to certain scenery.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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206 | Pavlov, The Man Himself

Ivan Pavlov, Yup the guy with the dogs. Yup The Office episode. Yes, the one with the mint. Sure there is a surface level to him but do you really know him? Where did he grow up? What did he do before he got some dogs? What impact did he have on the Scientific community?

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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205 | 1847: A Cannibal Story

We explore one of the most extreme circumstances imaginable to try to understand the actions of the surviving (and not) members of the Donner Party. This group of emigrants spent nearly a year attempting to cross the relatively unknown American frontier only to be trapped in a substantial snowstorm which left them immobile in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Yes, they ate their dead. Yes, they killed some people for “food.” And more…

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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204 | Book Cover Judgement

Dwight was kind of right: first impressions can be extremely important. This is a discussion about something called the “Halo Effect.” The halo effect is not in relation to the video game “Halo” but is the bias we have to automatically assume positive things about someone based on a single characteristic such as attractiveness. It can either elevate our opinion or sour it depending on the characteristic. But people are doing this to you too! We break down the how and why as well as bringing a little skepticism.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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203 | While We Were Sleeping

This is a discussion as normal, but also is a story about four people who found themselves in a unique situation. In this episode, we dig into the psychology of people who, while alive, donate organs anonymously to strangers. We review how organ donation works, the advantages and disadvantages of living donors, and why people do it.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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202 | Extreme Altruism

This is a discussion as normal, but also is a story about four people who found themselves in a unique situation. In this episode, we dig into the psychology of people who, while alive, donate organs anonymously to strangers. We review how organ donation works, the advantages and disadvantages of living donors, and why people do it.

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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201 | 10 Ways To Ruin Your Sleep

We ask such questions as “who holds the record for the longest time without sleep?” “Why is sleep important?” and “How can we screw up our sleep for good?” A high school student for a science fair project, because otherwise, we die, and alcohol and a bunch of other things. We count down the top 10 ways to ruin your sleep which doubles as a recommendation for how to avoid ruining your sleep and how to sleep better. It’s a blast!

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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200 | Our Oldest Episode Yet

Thanks to all of you, we made it to 200 episodes! In celebration, we had a variety of guests, a variety of segments, and a variety of activities. You might call it… a variety show…Please enjoy this off-brand hodge-podge of contributions and fun to mark our 200th episodes!

Listen in, and remember that you can reach us directly at 775.525.0908, at, through the comments below OR on social via @wwdwwdpodcast or #wwdwwdpodcast.

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